When the Family Office, the Nonprofit Community, and Philanthropy Intersect...

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Ranlyn Tilley Hill, J.D., President of Benevolent Vision, speaks with renowned consultant, author, and speaker Dolph Ward Goldenburg to explore the inner workings of family foundations and family offices that serve as conduits to the world of benefactors.

Dolph has 12 years of experience as an Executive Director, 10 years of fundraising experience, and is passionate about helping nonprofits thrive in a competitive environment. Check out his podcasts Successful Nonprofits in the links below!

Successful Nonprofits Podcast: https://www.successfulnonprofits.com/archive/the-family-office-with-ranlyn-tilley-hill-jd

Successful Nonprofits Podcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SuccessfulNonprofits/

Freemium: 30-minute thinking partner session
Foundation Center: www.Foundationcenter.org
Guidestar: www.guidestar.org

*****Timestamped Highlights*****
(3:55) Giving you the basics: Ranlyn defines a family office 
(7:28) Narrowing your philanthropic purview down with data tools 
(9:26) Surveying an organization’s impact with a proper site visit
(13:13) One degree of separation (sorry, Kevin Bacon)
(17:00) Remember Stephen Covey? Still relevant.
(25:15) Four ways to leverage the relationship between the family office and nonprofit 
(29:13) Dunkirk (the event, not the movie): Ranlyn’s inspiration