Cindy Beckett

Strategic Alliance – Surveys, Tracking, Evaluation and Research

Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Experienced research consultant working in the areas of evaluation, research design, program support, strategic planning, facilitation, and organization development.
  • Practices program theory driven evaluation and empowerment evaluation for non-profits, developing organizations, and educational programs.
  • Excellent at helping organizations define their goals and objectives along with designing summative and formative evaluations which include quantitative and qualitative approaches.
  • Proficient in the development of evaluation tools, web based data collection, focus groups, analysis, presentations and report writing.
  • Works collaboratively with all program staff in an inclusive and positive way for best results.
  • Graduated from the California State University, Fullerton with a B.A. in Psychology and an M.A. in Psychology.  Completed an Advanced Certification in Evaluation from Claremont Graduate University. 
  • Enjoys dance, traveling, horses and marine mammal conservation.